Fencing Costs Depend on Several Factors
The cost of your aluminum fence depends on a number of factors. These include the type of fence you select, the total length of fencing and the terrain.
Three primary factors will affect your aluminum fence cost. The first of these is the linear footage of the fence, followed by the fence type and the terrain. Gates will also add to your cost. Fortunately, if you buy from us, you will likely be installing your own fence, which will save you a significant sum on labor.
Contractors, Designs and Costs
Our customers tend to install their own fences. If you’d rather have someone else do the work, ask contractors or a handyman to provide separate estimates for labor and materials. This way, you can better compare estimates from different contractors. In addition, you can better identify material costs that might give you a clue to their quality. In other words, low material costs likely mean lower quality or imported materials. You can also forego using a contractor and just pay a handyman to do the work. In that case, you only need to order your fencing and pay someone by the hour to put up the fence.
Your costs will go up if you have a nonstandard or complex design. Examples of these are curved fence runs and slopes or stairs. Both situations require special techniques or materials. Nevertheless, aluminum fares well against competing materials such as wood or steel. Aluminum fence panels are easily trimmed to size, for one thing, and we can provide swivel mounts that allow you to easily form almost any angle. Similarly, if you’re building a fence on a hill, it’s much easier to trim our panels than it is to adapt heavy steel or wood to the terrain. In all of these cases, a contractor is going to charge you extra money, increasing your aluminum fence cost, so think again about doing the work yourself.
Other Factors
It also makes a difference where you put up your fence. Here are some factors to consider. If your site is hard to get to, that means it will take longer to get materials onto the site, or you might need special equipment to carry them in. Existing structures, brush, trees and rocks can all add to the time it takes to build your fence.
The kind of earth at your site can affect the digging of post holes for posts. Rocks are clearly a problem, and you can also run into trouble with ground that is rich in clay. Groundwater can pose its own set of challenges. Surface mounting posts will also incur additional cost for post flanges.
Trees can also be problematic. A tree can constitute an obstacle to your fence route, in which case you’ll have to remove it. You could also try to build around it, but that will probably add to your costs. You might also run into older trees that have put down a tangle of thick, hard roots that can cause havoc when you’re digging post holes.
You often need to know your property line. That means hiring a surveyor to figure it out. You can skip this step, but you could be in a lot of trouble if your fence goes up on your neighbor’s property. In some areas, local codes require that you put up your fence at an offset. That means you have to build your fence some minimum distance back from the border. It is well worth determining the property line to avoid these issues.