Aluminum Post Charts

NOTE:  Fence Panel(s) are inserted (straight or slightly angled) into routed / punched line, corner, end, t(3-way), and Gate/end POSTS. Stainless steel, self tapping powder coated head screws are automatically included.
Use Blank Posts + horizontal swivel mounts for hard angles (35 degrees or more). Always Order Blank Posts + Mounts for Stairs, Stair Stepping, Hard Angles or for connecting Heavy Racked configured fence panels.

These are recommendations only. Always check your local building codes prior to purchase. All posts are custom-made to order and non-returnable and non-refundable.

RESIDENTIAL Aluminum Post Chart
Line, Corner, End, T(3-Way), Gate/End

Fence Panel / Gate
Cemented In Ground
(min. recommended length)
Surface Mounted with Plate
*(leaves 2 inches of clearance)
36 inches (3 feet)any post 60 inches longAny Post 39 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
42 inches (3 1/2 feet)any post 72 inches longAny Post 45 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
48 inches (4 feet)any post 72 inches longAny Post 51 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
54 inches (4 1/2 feet)any post 84 inches longAny Post 57 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
60 inches (5 feet)any post 84 inches long2.5″ Post 63 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
72 inches (6 feet)any post 96 inches longCORE DRILL (NO PLATE)

For in-ground posts (cemented into the ground), you want your posts 2 feet longer than the height of the barrier. i.e. 2 feet into the ground. Some jurisdictions (example jurisdictions with frost-line issues) require you to sink your posts 3 feet in the ground. Furthermore, for barriers 7 and 8 feet high, we recommend an extra foot into the ground. Always check your local building codes for post depth when cementing the posts into the ground.

For surface mount applications where you’re using the welded plate option, your posts must only be 3 inches longer than the height of your fence panel(s) and/or gate(s). We recommend surface mounting with the welded flange only for fencing/gates up to 6 feet high. 7 and 8 foot high barriers will require the post to be cemented into the ground or core-drilled into any existing hard surface. Always check your local building codes prior to purchase.

RESIDENTIAL Aluminum Blank Posts

Use the same recommendations above; however, you want to increase the length by 1 foot, especially for welded plated posts. This is because you’ll typically need a little bit longer post for stairs, steep slopes and stair stepping. The good news, is that you can always trim the extra post height, after installation, and then put the post cap on. Use Blank Posts + horizontal swivel mounts for hard angles (35 degrees or more). Always Order Blank Posts + Mounts for Stairs, Stair Stepping, Hard Angles or for connecting Heavy Racked configured fence panels.

COMMERCIAL Aluminum Post Chart
Line, Corner, End, T(3-Way), Gate/End

Fence Panel / Gate
Cemented In Ground
(minimum recommendation)
Surface Mounted with Plate
(leaves 2 inches of clearance)
36 inches (3 feet)any post 60 inches longAny Post 39 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
42 inches (3 1/2 feet)any post 72 inches longAny Post 45 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
48 inches (4 feet)any post 72 inches longAny Post 51 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
54 inches (4 1/2 feet)any post 84 inches longAny Post 57 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
60 inches (5 feet)any post 84 inches long2.5″ or 3″ Post 63 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
72 inches (6 feet)any post 96 inches long3″ or 4″ Post 75 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate

COMMERCIAL Aluminum Blank Posts

Use the same recommendations above; however, you want to increase the length by 1 foot, especially for welded plated posts. This is because you’ll typically need a little bit longer post for stairs, steep slopes and stair stepping. The good news, is that you can always trim the extra post height, after installation, and then put the post cap on. Use Blank Posts + horizontal swivel mounts for hard angles (35 degrees or more). Always Order Blank Posts + Mounts for Stairs, Stair Stepping, Hard Angles or for connecting Heavy Racked configured fence panels.

INDUSTRIAL Aluminum Post Chart
Line, Corner, End, T(3-Way), Gate/End

We strongly recommend 3″ x 3″ posts, at minimum, for 7 foot high, 8 foot high, 9 foot high and 10 foot high fencing. For gates 16 feet and 18 feet wide, use 4″ x 4″ aluminum posts. For gates 20 feet wide or wider use 4″ x 4″ STEEL posts.
Fence Panel / Gate
Cemented In ground
(minimum recommendation)
Surface Mounted with Plate
(leaves 2 inches of clearance)
4 footany post 72 inches longAny Post 51 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
5 footany post 84 inches longAny Post 63 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
6 footany post 96 inches long3″ or 4″ Post 75 inches long
+ ADD Welded Plate
7 footany post 120 inches longCore Drill (NO PLATE)
8 footany post 132 inches longCore Drill (NO PLATE)

INDUSTRIAL Aluminum Blank Posts

Use the same recommendations above; however, you want to increase the length by 1 foot, especially for welded plated posts. This is because you’ll typically need a little bit longer post for stairs, steep slopes and stair stepping. The good news, is that you can always trim the extra post height, after installation, and then put the post cap on. Use Blank Posts + horizontal swivel mounts for hard angles (35 degrees or more). Always Order Blank Posts + Mounts for Stairs, Stair Stepping, Hard Angles or for connecting Heavy Racked configured fence panels.

Cad Drawing of Posts
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