You can buy aluminum fence panels in three grades from Residential fence panels are fine for most homeowners, but you can upgrade to commercial aluminum fence panels if you have greater than usual traffic around your home. Residential fence panels are suitable for retail and light commercial and industrial applications. Industrial aluminum fence panels, our highest grade, have the most metal in them. Choose these for the greatest security and heaviest use.

The Basics of Fence Panel Selection

You can decide which level of fencing works best for you. It’s not necessary to buy residential fence panels just because you have a residence. Make a decision based on your needs, and feel free to contact us for guidance.  Many home owners like the beefier pickets and rails on our Commercial fence panels and gates.

Residential aluminum fence panels are usually the right choice for home use. They’re designed for typical home use, such as around gardens, yards or swimming pools.

A Note on Pool Fences

You should be aware that there are specific, stringent requirements for pool fencing. Many communities have their own standards for pool fences. Pool fencing is subject in most areas to the pool fence code of the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA). This code requires 45” between the horizontal rails, and it stipulates that vertical pickets must be spaced at less than 4”. The gate is subject to a minimum height of 48”. Furthermore, the gate must open away from the pool and be self-locking. The latch must be at least 54” off the ground. Check with your local authorities before you put up a pool fence.

Commercial Fence Panels

Commercial aluminum fence panels are heavier than residential fence panels. Not surprisingly, they contain 20 percent more metal. The pickets and rails are bigger, so they are stronger than those in residential aluminum fence panels. Commercial aluminum fence panels are well suited to light commercial and retail applications. You can use them for pool fences if you want a bit of extra strength in your fence.

Industrial Fence Panels

Use industrial aluminum fence panels for the greatest security and for applications with the most traffic. These panels are designed to be tough and strong and offer the greatest protection from intruders. Use these panels for schools, hospitals, retail centers, large estates and storage facilities.

Comparing Residential, Commercial and Industrial Aluminum Fence Panels

Residential aluminum fence panels usually have pickets spaced at 3-13/16”. Double pickets are available on some panels. Standard commercial fence panels have 3-5/8” picket spacing, with 1-1/2” spacing on some panels. Industrial aluminum fence panels have pickets spaced at 3-11/16”.

All of our fence panels are available in nine colors. These have either a flat or semi-gloss finish, depending on the color. Colors are not painted on; they are applied by a powder coating process that leaves a highly durable finish.

You can order various options for all grades of aluminum fence panels. Finials cap off vertical pickets and can provide a small level of security against climbers. Decorative rings are built into fence panels near the top. Scrolls are also available. Our popular puppy pickets, or “puppy pickets”, add double pickets at the fence’s bottom. You can also order a rust-free security screen that is mounted to a frame, which is then welded into the fence panel.

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