S5_Details_2014Trends come and go, and it looks like the outdated chain link fence trend for residences is on the way out.

Chain link fences have the reputation of being a bit bland despite their ability to get the job done. Without much in the way of character or specifically unique design qualities, chain link fences are pretty much purpose-built, and that’s it. Being purpose-built isn’t necessarily bad, but it is not an ideal fence for most residences due to the lack of aesthetic appeal.

How chain link became so popular

There is a time and a place for chain link fences. For quite some time, chain link fences have been popular among businesses and industries where the main goal is a secure, low-maintenance and cost-effective fence with no need for specific aesthetics.

Compared to an aluminum fence panel, a simple chain link fence is cheaper and lighter. A common choice for those on a budget or without complex fencing needs, chain link was a go-to, plausible option. However, with flimsier metal and lighter material, chain link became very easy to cut through and made the point of the fence moot.

The decline of chain link

Chain link is the diamond shaped metal fence you see people hurriedly climb up during chase scenes in action films, and therein lies the problem. Sure, it makes for a great action scene, but is the property on the other side of the fence really as safe and secure as it seems if anyone strong enough can just traverse the fence with ease?

Not only is the security of this type of fence in question, but this type of fence does not afford homeowners much privacy. The beauty of a fence you can see right through might be beneficial for industries that have security personnel patrolling the property who take visual notes of the area from all directions, but for a family home, a little privacy from the busy streets and sidewalks is often welcomed.

In addition, pets can be easily distracted by the goings-on of the neighborhood, which is all clearly visible from behind a chain link fence. While the fence might give them physical safety, they could be emotionally overwhelmed and afraid of certain circumstances on the other side of the fence.

The future is aluminum

Now we know that it is easy to cut into a chain link fence’s thin material, and the diamond shapes make a perfectly sized hole to climb up the fence. Those are great reasons to take chain link out of the running for what type of fence to put up around your home or residence. The aesthetics alone are a good enough reason to go for something much more elegant, sleek and durable, like an aluminum fence panel gate and fence.

There are also plenty of extra options that come with aluminum fences, such as expanded metal “mesh” that can be used on smaller sections of fence to keep areas of the property off-limits to small animals. You can also change the width of the panels or add privacy panels to give you much more privacy and security.

Chain link fences may still have a place on some industrial properties, but for a much more aesthetically pleasing look, aluminum is the way to go. They require virtually no maintenance, and they’re secure, private, affordable and easy to install yourself. Aluminum is clearly a fantastic choice.


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