

The horizontal rails on all of our fence panels have a unique shape and a unique spacing measurement. Therefore, our routed line, corner, end and “T” Posts will not match other brands of fencing. Having trouble? Download Adobe Acrobat DC (previously Acrobat Reader)– a free and secure application.
Clicking on any of the links below will open the diagram in a new tab in your browser.
For more information, see Specifications.

Gate widths are not actual. ALL gate widths include the spacing for the hinges and the lock. So all gate widths are the opening measurement from inside to inside of two gate posts. The spacing for the hinges and lock are deducted at the factory when your gate is built, based upon the hinges and lock you choose. Gate widths never include spacing for Gate Posts. Gate Posts are not automatically included with each gate; they are purchased separately.

The Sunburst Arch option adds height to the height shown in each gate diagram. This additional height varies based upon the width of the gate.

Aluminum Fence Made in the USA
Aluminum Fence Made in the USA
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