Ok, we’re in the midst of the “Arctic Vortex” and most of the country is experiencing temperatures that are unheard of … Atlanta, GA 23º (Feels like 14º. Brrr)  Boston, MA 15º (feels like -2º. Wicked cold), Green Bay, WI  -6º (feels like -29º.  YIKES!), so it may not seem like an opportune time to think about buying aluminum fences, but we’re here to get you warmed up to the idea!

At the top of our list of why to buy your beautiful, strong, rust free aluminum fence in January… Price.

You will not find better prices on aluminum fences and gates at any other time of the year.  Greatfence.com is now offering a hot deal10% off of your product purchase total* and no sales tax except in California.  With savings like these you can  buy a new space heater!

Second on the “why buy now” list?  New Years Resolutions!

If you live in a part of the country where winter isn’t such a raw deal, installing a new fence may get you well on your way to meeting a couple of New Years resolutions: increased security and updating your landscape.  It couldn’t hurt in making progress toward your goal of spending a few more hours outside either.

If you are under inches or even feet of snow at the moment, buying fencing products to update your landscape and increase your security may also help you move closer to your goals.  You’re more likely to install a fence in spring when it’s in your basement or garage in January!  And, you can beat the Spring rush!  We’re all about helping you reach your goals so go for it!

Another reason to buy aluminum fencing in January…deferred shipment.

daffodils in springYou can purchase your new powder coated aluminum fence now to take advantage of the lowest prices of the year, but not take delivery until the daffodils come up!  By then you’ll be ready to get outside to beautify and secure your property.

So what are you waiting for?  No mittens or long underwear required to place your order.  Click here to get started.

*NOTE: The discount is applied before shipping costs, however orders over a certain amount receive FREE shipping.  Click here to learn more. Offer Expires 1-31-14.

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