Robert Frost may have been onto something when he said, “Never take a fence down until you know why it was put up.” If he was alive today, he’d have to agree that once an aluminum fence goes up, you know exactly why it’s there. There’s never any need to take it down, or question why its been put in place.

With so many stylish and colorful options to choose from, an aluminum fence says a lot about a person’s style, personality and habits. Read on to see what your favorite aluminum fence says about you.

Residential Aluminum Fence in blackBlack Aluminum Fence

The black aluminum fence is a statement all in itself. This type of fence says that the homeowner is regal, but low-maintenance. Choosing a tasteful color like black will complement any classic home style and decor. This fence owner prefers tradition over trend, but is willing to pair proven style with rust-free aluminum. This fence is known to age gracefully, just like its owner.

Estate Gates

Timeless style and reminiscent of years long past, the aluminum estate gate owner loves to make an entrance! Installing an estate gate sets you apart from other home owners (you now own an estate). These folks are traditionalists who like to play it safe and enjoy the finer things in life. You may catch an estate gate owner watching Downton Abbey or another BBC programming.

Aluminum Swimming Pool Fence

aluminum_pool_fence_greatfenceThis owner their loves pets and children. Sure, their 9 month old Lab can swim, but not their 9 month old infant who crawls like a bug. Unlike the old days when they thought an aluminum swimming pool fence would take away from their custom infinity pool, these owners are much more concerned with safety (and law suits) than they were before they had kids. By choosing an aluminum pool fence they also don’t believe that safety means compromised style. This owner’s home quickly becomes “the house to hang out at” as their kids grow up. Chances are they’d choose one like this.

Commercial Fencing

Industrial_Aluminum_Fence_greatfenceThis fence means business. The owner of aluminum commercial fencing isn’t taking any chances leaving their bread and hard-earned butter unprotected when they go home for the night. By choosing an aluminum fence, they get the protection they desire, a style that complements their corporate design, and the perk of maintenance free aluminum. After all, these people are hard working business leaders who don’t put up with high-maintenance or inefficiency.

Check out’s endless supply of aluminum fences and see what your fence will say about you.

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