We recently changed the GreatFence.com tagline to highlight something we think is important that you know: GreatFence.com’s products are “100% American Made, Rust Free Aluminum Fences & Gates.”

Other aluminum fence companies may use deceptive wording

They may imply that their fences are American made.  But if Made in America is important to you, we suggest you validate the source (ask very good questions) or simply elect to go with a company that guarantees a U.S. product origin.

According to the Bureau of Consumer Protection – a division of the FTC – there is a standard that defines the term “Made in the USA”.  That standard states:

 “For a product to be called Made in USA, or claimed to be of domestic origin… the product must be “all or virtually all” made in the U.S. The term “United States,” as referred to in the Enforcement Policy Statement, includes the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories and possessions.”

What does “all or virtually all” mean?   It means that the product’s final assembly or processing must take place in the U.S. and that the vast majority of the product’s parts and processing time/cost take place in the United States.

A fence that is made of aluminum created or extruded outside of the country, but assembled in the USA, is NOT truly made in America, and does not qualify for the designation according to the FTC. Furthermore, when a significant portion of the product components and / or manufacturing costs were created outside the USA, the product is not American made.

At Greatfence.com we don’t mince words

Our products are 100% Made in the USA.  The raw billet comes from sources in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.  The aluminum components are extruded in Garden City, Michigan.  The hinges, ball caps, screws, deck mounts and everything else we sell are all made in the USA.  All of our fence products are powder coated in Howell, Michigan, where they are also warehoused.

We are proud to sell our fences for many reasons (they are beautiful, easy to install, durable, warranted to be maintenance free, etc.), but the fact that they are made here in the USA, in American owned factories, gives us the most satisfaction.

We hope that being Made in the USA is one of many reasons that you purchase from us and enjoy our fences.

View our entire line of American made aluminum fences at GreatFence.com.

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