Welcome back to Frequently Asked Friday! Lately it seems like our GreatFencers are a little jittery about the fence installation process. Some of you have expressed concerns that you’ve heard install is fairly easy, but you’re unsure how to proceed.

Since you’d like to save money on a contractor, you’ve asked us to give  a play by play on what to do (and expect) when installing your GreatFence. I could go on, but I think I’ll just let Barb from Michigan speak for everyone.

Hi There!

My husband and I are so excited to purchase our first Great Fence. Currently we have a wooden fence  that has cost us more in maintenance over the last ten years than our youngest son! We have to admit though, while we love your product, we’re a little intimidated to self-install the fence. We’re trying to save money by not hiring a contractor. Since we’re both handy people, perhaps you can guide us with a few simple steps so we can install our new aluminum fence ourselves? Any help you can provide would much appreciated.


Hi there, Barb!

Thanks for writing us. Of course we can provide you with a few the steps you need to install your new aluminum fence! You’d be surprised how many times we get this question, it seems to be on everyone’s mind. Our short, simple version of a GF install goes something like this:

Installing Your Great Fence In A Few Simple Steps (as seen on our website)

1. Always Install Your Gates First

As our website mentions, gates are welded into the frame and cannot be modified on site. Simply lay out the gate, your two gate posts, and measure your post distance. Next you’ll dig two holes, cement your gate posts and hang your gate using gate hinges.

2. Work Off Your Gate

Work off your gate and setup 1 panel, and 1 post ( line, corner, end, or “T”).

3.  Secure Fence Panel

Temporarily secure into one of your gate posts and the new post using rubber bands. Fence panels (the width) can easily be trimmed down on-site to complete any particular run measurement.

4.  Level It

Insert and Set InstallationMake sure the fence panel is level and that the horizontal rails match up with the gate rails. Everything should line up. Next, set the panel to post connection with the included stainless steel screws and then (lastly) put the cement in around the post. Feeling less than confident? Don’t worry! Your learning curve will decrease dramatically after installing this first panel!

5.  Space, Dig, Repeat

Space out and dig the 2, 3 and 4 holes and set up the 2, 3 and 4 panels at a time using the same process described in #3 and #4.

6. Celebrate!

You just installed your first GreatFence!

See, Barb not too bad right? Fence installation is easy once you have a clear set of directions, the proper tools and experience with one panel under your belt!

As always, if you need assistance we are ALWAYS here to answer your questions, concerns and get rid of those install fears!

Need more details? Check it out here for the longer install version!

We’ll see you all next week for another Frequently Asked Friday, so keep those emails coming!

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