(Don’t Worry, Aluminum Fences Are Still Our Fave)

We’re not sure if it’s the summer breeze, or if we’ve been feeling a little more “green” in general lately, but we can’t seem to get enough of nature these days! Here in SoCal, summer is in full-effect and that means lazy days at the beach, perfect hiking temperatures in the morning and wonderful weather for evening walks. In other words, we love being outside!

GreatFence.com cares a lot about the environment and overall sustainability. In fact, it’s one of the many reasons we’re so proud of our aluminum fences. They’re durable, sustainable and don’t endanger wildlife in any way.

But since we’ve been spending so much time outdoors, we got to thinking about Mother Nature’s natural fences, how beautiful they are and how rare it is (especially in LA) that we ever get to see them (thank goodness for Google). We’ve always been inspired by natural elements in our own designs, so we thought we’d flip through a bit more inspiration for possible future collections! There’s nothing like a beautiful scenery to relieve stress and when you add nature with fences? Then we’re just in heaven.

 Here are some of our top picks!

1. Fiery Burning Bush

Courtesy of Michigan Bulb Company.

Check out those fiery leaves! Nicknamed the “burning bush” for its vibrant, fiery colored foliage, this Euonymus alata shrub can grow up to 20 feet high and makes a colorful barrier between neighbors! A little high-maintenance (like all the pretty ones) this shrub needs to be regularly tended to, in order to keep the foliage from looking wild or overrun. Want to avoid the work? Just plant one (or a pair) to complement your easy to maintain aluminum fence 🙂 Sorry, shameless plug – we had to.

 2. Willow Trees

Courtesy of Lakeshorewillows.com

Willow hedges, shaped into “fences” are referred to in the “living fence” industry as “fedges.” These beautiful hedges thrive in cool, moist climates – but are known for being highly adaptable to any kind of soil once they’ve reached maturity. The tops can be tied or “weaved” to create a natural lattice-like appearance, and their stems are also flexible to criss cross or create diamond shapes. This primarily UK based collection of Willows is one of our favorites.

3. Ho Ho Holly

How to choose hedge shrubs
Courtesy of Today’s Homeowner.com

Think Holly is just for the holiday season? Think again! With over 600 species of Holly (aka Aquifoliaceae) these versatile trees and shrubs (think Evergreens) can thrive in any kind of climate. Highly adaptable, these shrubs and trees are known for their red and sometimes white berries and can grow up to 50 feet – but can be nicely pruned down into a shorter hedge barrier. While we’ve heard Holly makes a great decorative, living fence when trimmed properly, they also don’t grow fast ( who wants to wait 10 years for a privacy fence??) and can can grow to be fairly bit wide – a problem if your yard is petite. This picture courtesy of todayshomeonwer.com provides us with the best of both worlds. An attractive fence, paired with Holly for just the right amount of privacy and practicality.

Have a natural living fence idea that would pair beautifully with a Great Fence! Make sure to add your picks in the comments below – and even better if you have a photo of your living and Great Fence combination.

*Featured image courtesy of Sunflower Farms.

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