installing pool fencingWhen you install a fence around your pool, you ensure safety for kids and pets, but you also get a good-looking addition to your entire area. Aluminum materials are ideal for a fence, but require some caution and tips for getting it done properly. They are uniquely designed for home use, so you never have to worry that the fence won’t fit in. By installing the fence yourself, you save a lot of money. Here are the top five things to remember to make sure it’s done right so you won’t have to call a pro to come fix it for you.

1. Check Your Property Lines

It is illegal to install your aluminum pool fence beyond your own property lines. You’ll need to consult with a surveyor or real estate agent to make sure you aren’t installing the fence on another person’s property. This may take a few days and you should look over the plot lines yourself to make sure you are clear on where you want to carry on with installation. It’s also a good idea to check with your cable and electrical company to be sure you don’t hit any lines as you dig holes for the fence posts. Keep a diagram of both your property line and buried cables so that you don’t have a mistake or dangerous error as you move along.

2. Start Installation with the Gate

It is highly recommended by the experts that you start installing your fence with the gate first. This allows you to evenly space the posts around the perimeter of the pool so that your finished product is symmetrical and eye appealing. You’ll need to dig the post-holes, insert the posts and fill with concrete. Do not hang the gate until the concrete has fully dried. If you do, you risk the weight of the gate pulling on the posts, which may cause them to lean one way or another. Not only may this be costly to repair, but it will take much longer to complete the installation of your aluminum pool fence.

3. Measure Carefully When You Install the Posts

There are strict regulations on how close together your fence posts must be. This is to prevent children from slipping through, falling into the pool or drowning. Be sure you understand the necessary measurements before you start digging post-holes. Use a tape measure and check each post at least once or twice to be sure that you are getting them exactly right. Measure and re-measure before filling the holes with concrete so that you don’t have to redo any of the posts. This will take some time and attention, but will ensure that your pool is safe and up to code when it’s done.

4. Recruit Someone to Help You Install the Fence

The manufacturers of aluminum pool fence kits strongly encourage you to install it with the help of at least one other person. Single person installation is possible, but is infinitely more difficult. Having a second person on hand helps you both watch one another for mistakes and allows you each to double the other person’s work. This speeds the process, dramatically reduces the risk of making mistakes, and prevents errors that could hinder the safety and effectiveness of the fence when it’s finished being installed.

5. Make Sure to Consider the Terrain of the Pool Area

You can still install a fence, even if the ground around the pool is sloped or uneven. To ensure that all the posts are the same height at the top, you can lower the post a bit more in higher areas to keep things looking even and symmetrical. This will require careful measurements, and the amount of concrete you need will vary depending on how deep each post will go into the ground. Again, measure several times to prevent pouring concrete and then having to redo the post.

Installing a fence around your pool is a choice you’ll be happy you made. It will make the area safer for kids and visitors and will increase the value of your home should you ever decide to sell. Installing a fence with your own hands is a cost saving measure, and it’s nice to know you can still install a fence when your finances prevent hiring someone to do it for you. The bottom line is to prepare carefully and only start the install process once you are entirely confident that you are ready to do it properly. Checking as you go can save a ton of time and money if you make a mistake. And once you’re finished and your fence is installed, it’s a good idea to have a professional inspect it for you so that you know it’s sound and as safe as can be.

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