There are lots of options for people who want to install a fence around a home, business or institution, but there are even more reasons to choose aluminum fence panels. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Longevity and Maintenance

When we discuss maintenance, there’s not much to talk about when it comes to aluminum fencing. These metal fencing panels won’t corrode or rust. That’s certainly not true of steel. Unlike wood fences, aluminum panels require no treatments. A wood fence often needs a treatment the day it goes up. In addition, we apply colors to our aluminum fencing panels by a powder-coating process that stands up to the elements much better than paint ever did. You can order our aluminum fence panels in nine available powder coat colors and two finishes.


We offer aluminum fence panels and gates that meet the BOCA codes for pool enclosures. This code puts forth various requirements designed to keep people out of your pool area. This specifically applies to small children, who are at risk of drowning if they enter your pool area unsupervised.

You can order our aluminum fence panels that have puppy pickets or short pickets at the bottom. These amount to more closely spaced pickets near the ground to keep pets from penetrating the fence. We offer other security enhancements, including security mesh and industrial curved picket metal fencing. You can top your fence with finials that look good and make it harder for intruders to climb over the top. Our industrial aluminum fence panels are available with curved pickets, which face outward at a 51-degree angle to repel climbers.


Our metal fencing panels really are easy to install. Aluminum is strong, light and easy to move around. Our standard fence posts come pre-punched. You will need blank posts for making angles or stair stepping fence panels on a hill or slope.  You can also rack our fence panels, allowing you to install fencing on slopes and around stairs. Fences sometimes terminate next to a structure, or perhaps you just want to use your own posts. We sell the hardware needed for this. We offer corner posts that are pre-punched on two adjacent sides that make right angles. Swivel mounts enable you to erect a fence with almost any conceivable angle.

While most people set their fence posts in the ground, we can provide welded, flanged posts so you can mount the fence on a porch, deck or other hard surface.

Our aluminum fence panels come in three grades. Our residential aluminum fence panels are ideal for your home or pool, where you don’t expect heavy traffic. Made with more metal, commercial aluminum fence panels are sturdier and are perfect for retail stores and light industrial applications. Industrial aluminum fence panels are made with even more metal. These fence panels are meant for the heaviest traffic. You can add security features to industrial fence panels to enhance the security of your facility.

We sell both single- and double-swing gates in all grades. You can fit a gate opener to our gates, or you can choose from a number of different latches and locks depending on your needs.

We think you can see now why we believe aluminum fence panels are your best choice.

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