Black Aluminum FenceGet some solid advice regarding the common question of how close to the property line you should erect your fence.

Deciding exactly where to place your fence can be tough. Before you even consider putting your fence as close to the property line as possible, you will want to ensure you have gathered all the facts needed to help you make the best informed decision. Depending on your area, there might be some very specific rules and regulations about property lines and fences that you are required to follow. For various reasons, certain municipalities and homeowners associations have specified that a fence must be anywhere from two to ten inches away from a property line. This type of rule could make your decision for you and will at least help lead you toward a decision.

Being neighborly

You may also want to check with your neighbors to see if they have similar fence plans or have a reason to be completely for or against having residential or industrial metal fencing so close to the property line. Not only is it polite and appropriate to ask your neighbor for their input or thoughts, but it can also mean saving yourself time and money should there be a reason the fence should not be erected as you would have liked. You never know what information they might have about the line or their plans for a fence in the same vicinity. Going in on the fence together and placing it right on the property line can be very beneficial for both of you!

Safety for every inch

By installing a fence as close as possible to the property line, you can ensure that everything inside the fence is easily containable. Every inch of your land will be safely confined within the perimeters of the fence. This is especially helpful when your property holds a business or factory buildings or large industrial equipment.

Choosing industrial metal fencing will be the first step toward securing your property and everything that sits on it. The second step will be holding in as much of the land as possible with the fence by going as close as legally possible to the property line. Remember that going right on the line—if possible in your area—could mean you must continuously share the fence and its upkeep and associated costs with the neighboring property. If you are in a tricky situation with those around you, it’s best to place it slightly away from the line.

Home life

Whether your property holds your own family’s residence or a multifamily residence such as an apartment building, you will want to have as much room as possible for people to roam freely on the grounds. This is great for recreational activities and lawn care. Mowing the lawn on both sides of the fence can prove costly and time-consuming, whereas having all of the grass in one place to quickly and easily mow can be very beneficial.

There are smaller advantages to erecting your fence as close to the property line as possible, and there are bigger advantages, too. Weigh the negatives against the positives to see if it is worth your time to look into the exact property line of your lot for safety, security and social reasons.

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