Commercial Aluminum FenceFences can be free-standing entities that attach only to themselves, or they can be attached right to your home or building. Is one better than the other?

Imagine you are putting a new fence around a pool in the middle of your yard. The fence will attach to itself, or a gate or doorway will exist where the fence begins and ends. Now imagine you are putting a fence around a yard but the fence begins and ends at a wall of your home or other building on your property. What does the fence attach to? Does it even need to attach to anything?

It is really up to you which way you choose to finish a fence that goes straight up to the outdoor wall of a building or structure. There are some things to keep in mind when deciding, however. The material is a big deciding factor. Aluminum fence panels are ideal for attaching to a building if that’s the look you want. Similar-looking wrought iron and metal fencing can be too heavy for some building structures, so your choice might be made for you if that’s the material you want to go with.

To attach…

It is very important to know a lot about your building before attaching anything to it. If this is a very basic DIY or one of your first DIY home improvement projects, it would be best to consult a professional or the fencing specialist where you are buying the fence panels to get advice on your specific building material. If the building has any kind of structural issue or you plan to change the outer look, such as by adding new siding, it might be best to avoid attaching anything to it.

Extreme weather comes into play here. While aluminum fence panels can stand up to any weather condition with ease, it is very important for the building to be able to withstand not only the same weather conditions but also the pull of a large fence panel simultaneously. Attaching the fence to the building is sometimes the only option, such as when digging a hole deep enough for a fence post so close to the house could damage some of the foundation, depending on where you live.

…Or not to attach

If your foundation is solid enough that you can put a fence post pretty close to the side of the building, you might find a detached fence fits your property better. This might be a good option for someone who isn’t ready to commit to drilling into the side of the building or has future plans that might involve expanding the fence or building. Keep in mind that a detached fence post might leave a few inches of space between the fence and building that can either be beneficial for you or detrimental, depending on your personal situation. It’s also important to check on any homeowners association rules or regulations before deciding in case a detached fence is the only permitted route to take, or vice versa.

The beauty of deciding whether to attach or not is that when you weigh the pros and cons, there is often a clear winner. This is because so much of the decision is dependent on your geographical location, the material of your home, the configuration of your fence, and even just your personal aesthetic preference. As long as you do your research before installing the aluminum fence panels, whatever you choose is sure to look great.

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