Aluminum fence rings or circles are a beautiful design element that can be used to really bring the look and style of an outdoor space together. Adding any type of circular décor piece gives off a certain vibe that is classically beautiful and welcoming.

Circles or rings are actually used in art and design to send a message of togetherness and calming harmony. This simple shape can actually be used to give off a feeling of unity or community. What better shape to add to the exterior of your property than this? That’s a great way to bring the neighborhood together.

Large Deluxe Arbor

Choosing Your Fence Design

Different fencing materials can accommodate different designs and styles. Not all fencing materials or fencing types can use circles or rings, but aluminum fencing can. Aluminum fence rings or circles are usually placed near the top of the fence to give it a high-quality appearance.

Aluminum fences are a popular choice for your property, no matter what size it happens to be. It comes in panel form, and it’s easy to order and install. Check out all of the choices online and choose which type, size and style fence would best suit your needs. Whether your property is residential, commercial or industrial, there is an option for you.

Measure your space and consider which design will look best on the area you have available. Circles and rings will look great with an area of any size and can even be placed at the top of the pickets with finials and spears. Rings can also be placed in puppy pickets, gates, arbors, and more.

After you have placed your order online, you can expect your fence to arrive to your property ready to be installed. The installation is a DIY job, with no professional help needed. The panels and posts have easy-to-understand instructions with helpful diagrams to aid you in this home improvement job.

Once the fence is fully erected with the circles and rings looking new and fresh, you might wonder how you can keep everything in like-new condition. Aluminum fencing comes with a specialized powder coating that allows every inch of the fence to be protected from outside elements like moisture or wetness.

It’s not just the pickets that are covered in this protective coating. The circles and other design elements will also stay in great shape for years to come. There is minimal upkeep needed with this type of fencing; just a quick wash from time to time to keep debris off of the coating should suffice.

Large Estate Gate with Rings

Rings for Fences, Entryways and More

Designing your perfect fence isn’t just about choosing a color and getting whatever everyone else on the block has. Choosing your design elements should be much more personalized and unique, no matter what the fencing panel is being used for.

Did you know that circles and rings can feature in all of your aluminum fencing needs? Circles and rings are great along the top of the fencing panels, but they can also really jazz up an aluminum driveway gate or footpath gate. When someone approaches your property, you want to give off the best first impression possible. Adding different shapes and looks to your entry gate can show that you put a lot of thought into making the most welcoming entry possible.

For those of you who are looking for something on a less grand scale, you can also use a circular design element in your aluminum arbors. These beautifully ornate passages really shine with rings put into the panels because they make the arbor pop. If you are installing an arbor, you want it to be a focal point on the property. Having rings adds that nice extra detail.

Fencing panels with rings could  also work well on small areas of the yard or property that you may need to enclose. For example, there may be an area of the property that needs to be fenced off for outdoor storage or a locked area for safety. Aluminum fencing can be used in these smaller spaces, too, and adding circles or rings can liven up the space.

Whether you are hoping to add an elegant design element or you appreciate functionality, adding rings to your aluminum fencing gives your property a specialized look. Choosing aluminum fencing to match your property’s overall style means you’ve made the perfect choice.

Large Estate Gate with Bronco Inlay