Design and build your own garden fence to improve curb appeal and ensure your home stands out in the neighborhood. Whether it’s a simple structure or a more elaborate fence with intricate designs, it is a project that you can do by yourself. You will need to decide on the style and design of fencing you require. This will depend mostly on your preferred end result, but it will also depend on the budget you have set aside as well as any local planning restrictions.

A DIY Project Can Save Money, and It Can Be Done Safely
A DIY fence is a great way to save money but it also acts in a safety capacity, keeping children in the yard and ensuring pets are kept well away from people passing by. Even if you just want to maintain privacy from the neighbors, building a fence is the answer.
Call Utility Companies So You Know Where the Lines Are
First, you will want to ensure that you call the utility companies to find out where the lines are before you start to dig. Your DIY fence project could end fairly quickly if you accidentally hit a utility line. There is also the danger of being held liable for any damage caused. Also, you should try to be flexible in your choice of materials. Maybe you have your heart set on one style but a professional has suggested another as it may be more adaptable to your home and landscape. A fence doesn’t just have to be a functional piece of material; it can also be stylish and make a statement about your property while being an integral and attractive part of the landscape. Most importantly, when it comes to beginning to dig and drill, always ensure you are comfortable handling power tools. Keep safety first at the heart of your project.

Different Styles of Fencing Are Available
A fence comes in different styles, from classic spear top to alternating spear top, and from flat top with spear to flat top with standard bottom rail. You can also choose from flat double top pickets and spear top double pickets as well as flat top with a flush bottom rail or two-rail flat top. If the ground you plan to erect the fence panels on is quite flat, this will be a suitable solution for you. If the landscape is sloped, it is still possible to install fencing. Just a few tweaks are required to ensure the fence looks professional and has plenty of aesthetic appeals.
Erecting a Fence on a Slope
Installing a fence on a sloped area around the home means stepping the panels down in stages, and there is plenty of information available on this online. The depth of the step really depends on the gradient of the land. Erecting a fence really couldn’t be easier, but if you are unsure, you can ask the professionals for some advice to ensure the job is completed satisfactorily. If you run into difficulties halfway through your project, there is plenty of expert advice available.