If you have a pool at your home, pool safety needs to be your number one priority. While there is no U.S. federal pool fence law, most states have their own rules and regulations. If you do not currently have a fence surrounding your home pool, you need to get one. We often think about a pool fence for keeping our loved ones, particularly children, safe, but what about our four-legged friends? Here are four key reasons an aluminum pool fence is a necessity for anyone who owns a dog.

Arched Double Swing Gate - Flat Top with Spear - Swimming Pool

Dogs can drown in a backyard pool

They may be perceived as strong swimmers, but dogs can and do drown in swimming pools. Shockingly, it is estimated that around 5,000 pets drown in backyard swimming pools each year in the U.S. An aluminum fence around your pool can serve to keep your pet dog away from the water so they cannot jump in and swim unsupervised. This can bring enormous peace of mind to you as an owner and can help avoid a tragic accident. If your pup is a smaller breed, consider adding puppy pickets to your aluminum pool fence. These are narrow pickets at the bottom of a fence that prevent smaller dogs from getting through the bars and ensure maximum security and protection. 

Dogs can suffer long-term effects of a drowning incident

If your dog does start to drown in your backyard pool but disaster is averted, it is likely it will still need some medical attention. Many dogs who experience difficulties in the water can go on to develop respiratory problems in the future. Veterinary care is not cheap, and for many, especially those without adequate pet insurance, the bills can be debilitating. Help to avoid this need for medical attention by installing a strong, sturdy aluminum fence around your pool and avoiding unfortunate accidents. 

It can protect your pool from damage

When dogs swim in the pool, hair, parasites, and even feces can enter into the water. Dog hair can affect the filtration system of a pool, particularly if it accumulates over time. Dog hair and other substances that enter the water from the canine can upset the chemical balance of the water, too. This could compromise the quality of your pool water, lead to costly repairs and mean your pool is out of action while it awaits professional attention. An aluminum fence can limit or totally prevent your dog from swimming and help to protect the health and longevity of your pool.

It will not be affected by water

One of the main benefits of aluminum pool fencing is that it requires little to no maintenance. Aluminum does not rust or corrode and is not susceptible to the effects of water. This makes it an ideal material for around a pool, especially in a home with children and dogs who love to splash. It is fade-resistant, durable, and will protect your pool for many years to come. An investment in aluminum pool fencing today will keep your dogs and other pets protected in the future, too, with minimal upkeep from you.

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