When we think of aluminum fencing, most often it is a black metal fence that springs to mind. But aluminum fencing does not always have to be black; there is an array of colors available. Selecting a color for the fencing, gates, and deck railing around your home and business is a big decision. After all, it is usually the first thing visitors and customers see. Here are four questions to ask yourself when selecting a color for your new residential, industrial, or commercial aluminum fencing.

Are there any restrictions in force?
A top tip before choosing your new fence color is to check with your local homeowner’s association to see if there are any rules and regulations in place. Some may prescribe what styles and color options are acceptable in the area. Always check first to avoid any costly and inconvenient mistakes. You may also want to consider what color fencing your immediate neighbors have and whether yours will work alongside it. You should undertake similar checks if you are looking for a fence color for a commercial property.
What style is the property?
Whether it is your home or your business, taking a good look at the style of your property is an effective way of guiding your fence color selection. Be sure your fencing will work with the style of your home. For example, if you live in a rustic and classic cottage, a shiny black metal fence may spoil the aesthetic. A white or sandstone-colored fence might be a more suitable option in this case. You may find that for commercial aluminum fencing, a smart black fence is the best option. Homes set in a natural or green setting may look nice with a khaki fence, while those looking to add a little ornate grandeur could select a bronze finish.

What do I like and dislike?
Picking shades from a color wheel or color chart can be tricky; nothing beats seeing them in real life. Take a drive around your local area to see if any homes near you have different colored fences. This is a chance to see what you like and what you do not like. If you do not find any homes with different colored fences, try to use a graphic design program on your computer to mock up how different colors might look outside your home.
Do I want a fence that complements or contrasts with the property?
You need to decide whether you want your fence color to complement your home or contrast with it. A complementary color will create a harmonious look, while a contrasting color could make your home really stand out. How you do this will depend on the existing color of your home or business. Do you want your fencing to be a feature or become part of the background?
Fence color is important because it will be on display to anyone who passes your home or business. Aluminum fencing does not have to be black, and you may be surprised to see the range of color options available. Aluminum fencing is treated with a special layer of powder-coated paint, which is applied electrostatically and then cured at high temperatures. This special layer is strong and durable, ensuring that once you make your color choice, it will be long-lasting and hard-wearing.