Many customers ask us how to calculate products for an angled fence corner. This is very simple, once you understand the difference between a pre-punched post, where the fence panel rails are inserted into the post vs. blank posts with mounts where the fence panels are mounted to each post using our metal, powder coated swivel mounts. The result is that two corner posts changes to four blank posts + horizontal swivel mounts. The number of swivel mounts needed depends upon the number of rails in your, chosen, fence panel configuration. In the example below, if you have a 2-Rail fence panel, then you would order 16 horizontal swivel mounts. 3-Rail fence panels would require 24 horizontal swivel mounts and a 4-Rail fence panel would need 32 horizontal swivel mounts. It’s that simple.

Horizontal Swivel Mounts only provide about 30 – 35 degree angles when mounted to one structure of one side of the post. Therefore, when making harder angles, like 45 degree angles, you must mount swivel mounts on two opposite sides of a 4-sided post or two adjacent sides of a 4-sided post. This double sided post mounting, allows you to pretty much achieve any angle you need to make on-site during installation. Swivel Mounts are sold separately in Accessories.