Flat Top

Rfers to a style of aluminum fencing or gate where the pickets do not protrude through the top rail. Some refer to this as a smooth top rail. Our styles 3, 4 7, 9 and 10 have a flat top rail.

Aluminum Fence Panel STYLE 3 with Pressed Spears - 3 Rails
Aluminum Fence Panel STYLE 3 with Pressed Spears – 3 Rails
STYLE 4 Fence Panel with 3 Rails
STYLE 4 Fence Panel with 3 Rails
Aluminum Fence Panel STYLE 7 with 3 Rails
Aluminum Fence Panel STYLE 7 with 3 Rails
aluminum fence panel STYLE 9
aluminum fence panel STYLE 9
Aluminum Fence Panel - STYLE 10 with 2 Rails only
Aluminum Fence Panel – STYLE 10 with 2 Rails only
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