Horizontal Swivel Mounts allow you to easily and quickly make non-90 degree turns. One of the many benefits of our aluminum fence and gate system is the flexibility given to the installer. Built into the design of our system is the ability to literally make any non-90 degree turn, quickly and easily, on-site during installation. The mounts are made out of premium cast aluminum alloy painted to match your fence and gate colors and guaranteed not to rust. Horizontal Swivel Mounts can be mounted directly to a column, building, house or structure to accept our aluminum fence panels at an angle. You may also to mount this product to a blank side of any post. Therefore, when making angles, always order either End Posts or Blank Posts.
Automatically included with your purchase:
2 stainless steel, powder coated (matching color) self tapping tek screws used for connecting to Blank Posts. For connections to an existing house, building, column or 3rd party post you will need to purchase longer anchor screws locally based upon the type of material you plan to connect to. We recommend waiting until you receive your shipment so that you can take one of these mounts to your local hardware store for a recommendation and to purchase.
How many swivel mounts do I need?
That depends on the number of horizontal rails in your, specific fence panel configuration. If you have a 2 horizontal rail aluminum fence panel, then order 4 swivel mounts + one blank post for each angle. If you have a 3 horizontal rails fence panel, then order 6 swivel mounts + one blank post for each angle. If you have a 4 horizontal rails configuration, then order 8 swivel mounts + one blank post. Remember, if you’re only making slight turns (up to 10 degrees), you don’t need to order any swivel mounts or blank posts. Use line posts, corner posts…etc. and then insert, turn and then set your panel to post connection.
Helpful Tip #1: For very slight turns, you do not need to use blank posts with swivel mounts. Use our conventional pre punched line, corner and end posts and insert, turn and then set the panel to post connection. You can insert, turn (approx. 8 – 10 degrees) and then “set” any of our fence panels into the prepunched holes in Line Posts, Corner Posts, End Posts, T (3-way) Posts, Gate Posts (punched) without horizontal swivel mounts.
Helpful Tip #2: Many jurisdictions require that you must have less than 4 inches of spacing between the vertical pickets. Therefore, you may need to trim/cut the horizontal rails on each end of any aluminum fence panel that you plan to use along with Horizontal Swivel Mounts. That’s because the use of swivel mounts extends the panel out from the post (or structure) as opposed to when you insert a fence panel into a post.