Gate widths are not actual. Gate widths equal the opening between two gate posts and includes the spacing for the hinges and lock.
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2604-5 premium, powder-coat. Gloss = smooth finish. Satin = textured finish. Rust Free, Lifetime Warranty! White Gloss, White Satin, and Khaki Satin require additional lead time. view images
16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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16 inches high + 1 additional horizontal rail added. 4 rails max. We do not offer custom height puppy pickets. If you need higher puppy pickets, see: STYLE 7 or STYLE 8.
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These gate hinges are packaged separately to be easily installed on-site. You decide during installation the swing trajectory of both gate pieces. Gate Posts (sold separately) are not pre-drilled.
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Locks a gate into position by dropping a metal rod into a hole in the ground. view image